Sakit kott

start dia mcm nii..
in a one fine day..
kawan aku, amin from kliuc called me.. tanye akuu..

Amin: Weh wan, kau dah balik ampang ke?
Ridhwan: Belum lagi.. asal huh?
Amin: Petang ni kau free tak? main futsal ngan budak2 amran.
Ridhwan: aku ok je.. kau ajak arr nik sekali..
Amin: kau tolong ajak kan..kul 5.30 mcm tuu

so, thats our conversation.. so, i called nik a.k.a t.niggg..
and ajak dia.. so, dia datang bilik aku..
then kita pergi.. but a bit late.. hahaha..
its ok for a star player to come late in a match.. haha.
so we played.. kata main ngan team yg agak kuat..
but we made the first blood.. hahah.. and aku yang scored.. haha
and we played, we enjoyed the moment..
until at one point.. ada member aku.. hantar bola dekat aku..
aku dapat.. but aku salah step.. and kaki aku bunyi crack..
dah la kaki yg pernah aku patah tu yg bunyi..
sakitt kott..
huhuh.. nasib baik aku sempat score 4.. huhu..
and the result of the match.. kita kalah..
7-4, sedih gilaa...
so folks..
chow.. =)

new page!

Hello,, its me again..
haha.. today its about new page.. my new page starts at 2nd feb, 2.30am
haha.. haihh.. tak taw lahh nak type apa lagi..
hermm.. ok.. lets count?
ok.. aku ni bujang.. aku dah bujang setahun sebulan 7 hari..

Am I Happy?

Hello.. i just dont know what to say..
well 1st of all.. i made a confession to the person
who i kept hold my heads up high.. it is


well.. she's kinda shock to hear that..
huhu.. silly me.. i guess..
im not that good enough for her beautiful life...
what do i think.. DAMN!!
i should never told her that..
it might cause our friendship..
for me.. being her friend is good..
but its not good enough for me..
but i think lucky me..
she appreciated it.. i hope she is..
but i want her to my next girlfriend soo bad..
hope u guys pray the best for me..
chow guys...
Take care =)

Hello Bloggy ;)

how are my bloggy doing,,
damn,, lame gila x mengarang kat sini..
busy with my assignment, i guess,
banyaaakkk sgt benda jadi selama aku senyap.
1.Aku dapat kenal what i think is my own version of KLIUC Queen..
buttt,,bukan pon,,
dah kenal2, then aku dapat taw yg die ade bf..
nn dia sayangg sgtt ngan bf die tuu..
apa aku boleh buat,
fingers cross and hoping she'll be mine someday..
btw,, xramai yg taw aku yang aku minat dekat diaa..
yg taw pun Elham,Nadiah,Nabila,T.Nigg,Syafiq,Anas&&Anis.
haha..btw, kalau korang nak taw nama dia. nama dia..


tu saja yang aku boleh bgtaw..
hahah..dia duduk kat bukit jalil..
aku rasa aku memang xda hope laa ngan die..
back to the old day huh friend..mcm tuu..
haihh,, bujang laa sampai aku mampos..
anyway, thats all from me folks..
thankx my bloggy


As the days walk by,
as the clock ticking, and every seconds count..
and i know my days are wasted most...
but i don't regret anything,
and most of my time wasted because..
something and so on..
my closest friends maybe know.. because i take them as part of my life
they are like families to me..
they know me well..
This is about story of my life so far..
it's been a year now..
and my ex already moved on..
great though.. and my life moves along the flow too..
when i STARTED to like someone new.. that person is someone else property..
so. i backed down from that fight..
i might be lost in that war..
but thanks though..
lots of my friend supported me from the back..
and it makes me think that life goes on,
not everything u wanted in life should be granted..
there's some ups and downs..
its okay, this is what we called a 'LIFE'.
so, i kept walking in this path called life..
and all i realize is..
damn, 1 year has gone so quick..
and i'm lucky to be single and have a lot of friends!
damn.... satu tahun dah aku menyendiri..
nak azam baru laa...
rokok xde,amek org punye, ape susah..
thanks for reading..


Hello.. how are u guys doing? hows life? i know mine is tiring.. huhhhu... damnn.. so tired laa dude..
full with damn assignment..
full of futsal...
damnn.. mann life is so tiring...
but luckily.. i had a lot of fun..
1st is from football.. i do enjoy playing it...
as well playing it with KLIUC or Ginga..
but i prefer play it with Ginga..

If u guys do enjoy watching football..
please do watch us play..
a beautiful football..
Chow dudes..


korang nak taw x...
bilik member aku kene pecahh.. serious shittt aku risau.. bilik die 401.. bilik aku 403...
dekat xdekat llaaa pulakkk. lancau siall...
nasib baik aku nak solex pintuu akuu...
kalau x...